I’ll stay off my soap box of how frustrating it is that developers don’t code properly for NT – They’ve only had 10 years – and just let you know that I feel your pain.


On the plus side, I’ve very rarely come up against an app I couldn’t get to run as a regular user by fixing file or registry perms.  A great place to start is granting Users full control over C:\Program Files\AppName.  Next guess would be Full Control for Users over HKLM\Software\AppName.  If that doesn’t cut it, I’d highly recommend running filemon and regmon while running the app and then looking for access denied entries.  Most likely you’ll find some entries under HKCR.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason B
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:44 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] Using GPO to install an MSI package


Okay, our environment is that all our clients are running Windows XP SP2, and our servers are Windows 2003.  The situation is that our Accounting department uses Quickbooks, and about 70 of our employees need to use an application that comes with Quickbooks called "QB Timer".  It's free for use for our employees and it integrates with Quickbooks without requiring a Quickbooks install on each machine.  Now, the quandry:  according to Intuit/Quickbooks, the program requires at least Power User permissions to install and run.  Neither I, nor our CIO are willing to give local Power User permissions for these users, as that opens things up to too many potential problems, but our CFO and COO are REQUIRING the use of this application, or a similar one that integrates with Quickbooks.  Now, the QBTimer is free, which is good, so that's the *preferred* app to use.  It comes as an exe with a few other files, so I used WinInstall LE 2003 on a clean XP SP2 machine to package it into an MSI file.  That worked well, and I can install it/assign it through GPO - even if the user doesn't have local Power User privs.  However, true to form with Intuit products, it won't run if the logged on user doesn't have local admin or PU privs.  If I grant PU privs to the user, it runs fine.  I feel like I am --> <-- this close to getting this done, but I ran out of ideas to get this to work.  I tried looking at the reg file that was made when I ran WinInstall and gave the users full rights to the specific areas in the registry to see if that did anything; which it didn't.


Does anyone else have any siggestions, or am I stuck with Intuit's "users must have >= Power User privs" to run that app?


ANY help or suggestions are GREATLY appreciated!



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