Does your offer apply to Exchange ESE as well as ESENT/NTDS ISAM? 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brett Shirley
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 10:13 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] OMG, the most aweful ESE event info ever!!! ...

In the event view, you know how you can click the "fwlink" page to get
help and support text for any given event?

So I found the "support and help" text (below) for EventID 101 (farther
below) for Windows NTDS ISAM and for general ESENT, and it's like about
as close to 100% wrong as you can get.  It's talking about Restore.env,
and the Information Store, Windows now thinks it's Exchange?  Was it
just like make stuff up day at work or something?  WTF.  Does the
internet / network produce ANY valid content anymore? I think the new
quote should be, "It must be false, I read it on the internet".

Anyway, I've gotten a hold of the people responsible for this database,
we're having words ... I'll fix this.

OMG, I just found the text for Event ID 102 "%1 (%2) %3The database
engine started a new instance(%4)." ... and it's help text is worse than
event ID 101's text.  Event ID 102's help text:
         There is only one Jet database engine, ESE.dll, per
        server. However, there can be one instance of Jet running per
        storage group. Event 102 signifies that an instance of Jet has
        started and indicates which instance has started.  

And oh my gosh I just thought someone could be trying to act on this
text on like an Exchange or SBS servers ... I'm nateous, I'm actually
wretching over this find ...

SOOO Why don't you guys tell us about this shtuff?  Seriously.  You guys
should hold your vendors in to higher responsibility.  Comments anyone?

joe, surely you must have a comment?  Tragically, I'll bet it is a
waste, I'll bet no one uses the system anymore.

I give uou permission to email me about any ESE event text and fwlinks
that suck, send mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Only
email that mail, about this stuff.  Well, give me a week or two to take
out the trash on the fwlinks.  BTW, I can't promise a reply or speedy
fixes, or anything.

Oh in case it isn't clear the ESE events are under, ESE (for Exchange,
SPS, Windows Desktop Search), ESENT (for General Windows), and for
Active Directory the events are categorized under "NTDS ISAM".

This is going to be a great Friday, i can just tell ...
G-Door Operator #7, 
    but currently serving as Janitor (of the "Event Help Text" system)

Details if you click that fwlink, in the event box of NTDS ISAM | ESENT
Eevent ID 101 ...
Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 101
Source: ESENT
Version: 5.2
Symbolic Name: STOP_ID
Message: %1 (%2) %3The database engine stopped. 
The extensible storage engine database engine stopped.

Possible causes include:

 - An online restoration failed. There may be missing log files on the
   computer or in an online restoration, or there may be old log files
   that are out of sequence with the log that is mentioned in the
   Restore.env file.
 - A database could not be loaded. The directory where the database or
   logs exist might not have the correct permissions assigned to it in
   order to load the store.
 - An information store was unloaded.
 - There might be file-level virus-scanning software running against the
   log file directory.

User Action
To troubleshoot the problem, check the Application log and the System
log to determine the exact sequence of related events leading up to this

For more information about this event, see article Q274321 in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base.
Currently there are no Microsoft Knowledge Base articles available for
this specific error or event message. For information about other
support options you can use to find answers online, see 

This is the actual ESENT EventID 101:
Event Type:       Information
Event Source:    ESENT
Event Category: General 
Event ID:           101
Date:                6/28/2005
Time:                2:52:49 PM
User:                N/A
Computer:         BRETTSH-RG
ESENTUTL (3044) The database engine stopped.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at

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