Hello Everyone.


The company that I work for has been divided into two isolated parts.  As a result the corporate domain that is used will also need to be divided.  The employees of the old domain will remain in their place while others will be put into a new domain.  One domain will have nothing to do with the other.  I have been tasked with heading the creation of a new domain that will be used in different geographic locations;


  1. Atlanta, Georgia
  2. Miami, Florida
  3. Orlando, Florida
  4. Houston, Texas
  5. Fremont, California
  6. Vancouver, Canada


I have built a domain before but this was for one office of less than 100 employees.  This domain is of a much larger scale and more complex.  I have read a few MSFT articles and have a little bit of information as to what I am getting myself into.  I was hoping that I would be able to get more information from the community in hopes of getting real life experience knowledge than a document that outlines best practices.


When I built the single site domain I had the below configuration that worked very well for me.  I think that I am going to create a similar if not exact root domain.  I think that I would am having more problems with considering the geographic issues that I will be facing.


2 Domain Controllers

            Both DNS Servers

            FSMO roles divided

            Both Global Catalogs

1 File Server

            Roaming Profiles

            Centralized Storage for User Files

1 Anti-Virus Server

1 WSUS Server

1 Exchange Server


Thank you all for your replies,


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