Title: Message
A company that I previously worked for implemented SameTime about 4 or so years ago against a Windows 2000 forest. I can absolutely assure you that the page size nor attribute range retrieval size was ever modified, I would have laughed at the person requesting it. 100,000 wouldn't have been enough to increase it to.
I do not know the details of how it was implemented other than all of the distribution lists for the users were maintained in an application domain and were non-security enabled domain local groups and users from the account domains were placed into them. That was the only thing they really ever asked me about. They no access to userids in the account domains other than standard user access rights to look at them.
There honestly is no reason for this out of someone like IBM. This isn't new technology any more and people have been integrating this stuff for a while.
O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition - http://www.joeware.net/win/ad3e.htm 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fugleberg, David A
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 12:48 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] Lotus Sametime and LDAP access to AD

Has anyone on the list ever run into this ?  A systems integrator I know told me that they were trying to integrate Lotus SameTime with AD as part of an enterprise portal configuration.  Apparently SameTime can authenticate using LDAP binds and also grab user information which SameTime uses for its configuration.
Anyhow, it chokes when it tries to retrieve the user information.  Apparently, they try to query on all users within the specified scope, but without using the LDAP paging control.  The integrator sent me this URL to the technote published by IBM on the subject


From the referenced technote:

Currently, Sametime must pull all users from the LDAP server and will reach the limit set on the LDAP server, if a limit is set to be lower than the amount of users that Sametime can search for.

And then this little gem:
The following can resolve the error on an Active Directory server:

  • In Active Directory, go to a command line and type:

    ldap policies
    connect to server <local server name>
    set creds <local domain name> administrator <admin password>
    show values
    set MaxPageSize to 100000
    commit changes

    Note If the amount of users/groups on the AD server is larger than 100,000, the MaxPageSize value should be set higher.
When I regained my composure, I replied with a note to the effect that there is absolutely no way I would advocate opening that throttle by a factor of 100 (or more!).  There have been numerous threads on this list about MaxPageSize, usually ending with a pronouncement from ~Eric or joe saying "Just don't do it - use LDAP paging".
I'm just curious if anyone else has run into this with SameTime, and also whether Microsoft has directly addressed this kind of advice from IBM or anyone else. 


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