Dean posted this comment in a recent post:
I have no concerns using Standard edition for DCs, I don't see it too often since the majority of my customers are licensed up the wazoo and use whatever ISO they stumble across first :o)
As ironic as it is, we have recently been prodded by our internal server support group to provide sufficient documentation (beyond saying "because we want it") as to why we need W2K3 Ent. instead of W2K3 Std.  Thus far the only thing official I've been able to come up with is the fact that we have multiple DFS roots.  They seem to think that the license costs for Ent. being 3x that of Std. doesn't justify implementation. 
Can anyone point me to some documentation or specific reasons to stick with Ent.? Ultimately this is what we want for AD, but somehow our desires are not good enough when it comes to $$$ savings.

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