Title: AD replication compression algorithms

I've never thoroughly tested it having not encountered perf. issues with the now legacy MSZIP algorithm nor have I seen any published stats. from MS outlining tangible differences on shrink-wrapped hardware.  I'd suggest running through a few dry-run scenarios with the relevant reg. tweaks (below) in place -

Compression adjusted per DC -
HKLM\CCS\Services\NTDS\Parameters / REG_DWORD: Replicator compression algorithm
Values: (default = 3)
- Disable Compression
- Value not used
2 - Force MSzip algorithm
3 - Use Xpress algorithm
Adjusting compression expense per DC -
HKLM\CCS\Services\NTDS\Parameters / REG_DWORD: Replicator compression level
Values: 0 through 9 (Default=3)
(0=faster, 9=more compression, values beyond 3 have been tested and typically provide little if any compression gain)
Hope this goes some way toward helping.
Kindest regards.

Dean Wells
* Email: dwells@msetechnology.com



Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:08 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] AD replication compression algorithms

Lots of poorly connected branch offices (as low as 64kbps)

Deploy a global AD replication topology which minimises WAN bandwidth usage

Deploy a standard DC build (hardware and OS)
Revert to w2k legacy compression setting

Does anyone have any experience of using the older algorithm versus the newer algo?

How much "better" at compressing data is the older algo?
How much more CPU overhead does the older algo represent?

All comments welcome :)


Neil Ruston
Global Technology Infrastructure
Nomura International plc
Telephone: ჸ (0) 20 7521 3481

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