At first I was not sure what you were talking about.  I've never used this column before (it's not displayed as one of the defaults and I'm used to looking at mailbox enabled accounts via cmdline and now PowerShell), but after looking at ESM what you are really talking about (that most of us may be more familiar with) is the mailbox's legacyExchangeDN attribute (which is called "Full Mailbox Directory Name" in ESM).  This attribute does not change when you move mailboxes from one server or administrative group to another, in fact changing this attribute's value will lead to messages that were send out by the moved mailbox not being replyable. 
So in a nutshell, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what you are seeing.  It is expected and by design behavior.  The legacyExchangeDN is used by Outlook clients (under the hood) to address and submit mail through MAPI.  When an Outlook user sends out an email to other internal mailboxes the from address, under the hood, is actually the legacyExchangeDN address (if viewed with a tool like MFCMapi it's the PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS).  So if you were to change this value then any messages sent out before the change would become unreplyable (ok, not 100% true, because you could add an X500 address to the user's mailbox-enabled account that matches the old legacyExchangeDN and then the messages would get properly delivered).
Anyways, don't worry about it.  There is nothing wrong and I would highly recommend leaving the "full mailbox directory name" alone.  It's not that you can't change it, but you'd have to put it's old value in as an additional proxy address (of the X500 type) in order for mail to continue to be delivered properly.  Don't really know what you'd gain from that in the end.  Hope this helps explain it a bit.  There is a lot more to it then that naturally, but I think the above summarizes some of the key points about why you would not want to change it.
Best regards,

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Victor W.
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 12:47 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] [Exchange] Full Mailbox Directory Name holds wrong Administrative Group name

Still hoping for somebody to think with me on this matter  :-(
75% of the mailboxes that were moved have a Full Mailbox Directory Name which has the Administrative Group in it from wich they were moved from, instead of the one they are in now.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Victor W.
Sent: donderdag 18 mei 2006 22:20
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] [Exchange] Full Mailbox Directory Name holds wrong Administrative Group name

Perhaps I need to clarify this a little. What I mean is that a mailbox that has been moved to another Administrative Group, still has the Administrative Group in it's Full Mailbox Directory Name frow which it was moved.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Victor W.
Sent: dinsdag 16 mei 2006 22:32
Subject: [ActiveDir] [Exchange] Full Mailbox Directory Name holds wrong Administrative Group name

We are in the middle of a migration from Exchange 2000 to Exchange 2003. We have 2 Administrative Groups in ESM. one of them is named: First Administrative Group (this name was left default at the time of the installation of the first server). The other has been given a new name. The First Administrative Group holds the Exchange 2000 servers, the other holds the Exchange 2003 servers.
In the end only one Administrative Group will exist, the new one.
Recently I moved a couple of hundred of mailboxes to a different server in a different Administrative Group.
When looking at those mailboxes from withing ESM (by clicking the mailboxes node under the servers node), I can see that a most of those mailboxes still have the name of the Administrative Group they were in, in their Full Mailbox Directory Name (this is a column that can be added in ESM).
The mailboxes were on a server which was in the First Administrative Group and have been moved to another server which sits in another Administrative Group.
I am asking this because when after all the mailboxes have been moved (a few are still on that old server), I am planning to delete the First Administrative Group in time. 
My question is why does the Full Mailbox Directory Name still have the First Administrative Group in it, even if the mailbox is no longer in the First Administrative Group?
Do I need to fix this before I will delete the First Administrative Group?
Thanks in advance for the help.

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