
I have a few questions on bitwise filters.

1. I just wanna make sure I've understood bitwise filters correctly.
Basically if I want to check if all bits are set, I should use the
Bitwise AND operator. If I need to check if any number of the bits I
am interested in are set, I should use the OR operator. Therefore the
OR operator is best used in multiple bit checking scenarios. If I am
checking for only one bit (and not multiple bits)   , then I should
use the AND operator. I guess it really doesn't matter. Its just the
logic behind it.

If I want a list of global and local groups, I could either do a
search for groups that are not universal or I could do a seach for
groups that have the bit for either global or local set couldnt I? i.e
(&(objectcategory=group)(grouptype:1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=6)) or
Please correct me if I am wrong.

2. How do I find the bitwise filter OID for AND or OR without refering
to manuals. Can I query this in the directory or is it hardcoded?

3. Joe,

Could you please explain why the group type value output in adfind is
minus? If I do a query with -f
grouptype, I get -2147483646 as the output. The results are correct. I
just want to understand why the output is minus.


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