Dear font of all knowledge,

I remeber reading a thread a while back about changing the value of
the 'assistant' field, using ADSIEdit.

Somebody's asked me to do this today, so I've given it a go, and
copied/pasted the DN from one user to the other's 'assistant' field -
but the change doesn't appear to be showing in people's Outlook
clients.  I've checked on a freshly installed Outlook client, just to
be sure there's no cached data, and looking at the user's GAL
properties still shows the assistant field as blank.

Am I missing something here?  Is that not the same assistant field
that Exchange 2K/2K3 would be looking at?  Is there something else I
need to do to enable usage of this field?

Thanks in advance,

"If it truly were the thought that counted, more women would be pregnant" - anon
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