
Can someone please explain the following observation?

Installed a new R2 DC forest with one DC/DNS.
created a new dns zone for use by a child domain (yet to be created). The zone is replicated to all domain controllers of the root domain. Enabled secure dynamic update only.
Installed a new child domain and pointed to root domain DC/DNS.

All records required were created apart from the A record for the child DC. How come it can create all records other than the "A" record?. If I delete the child donain's zone from the parent domain DC/DNS server, and recreate it, then use "netdiag /test:dns /fix" on the child DC. It does the same. Creates all records except for the "A".

I am puzzled as if the secure dynamic updates allow all these records to be created, whats up with the "A" record?

Also netdiag /test:dns on child DC reports all required everything as OK even though the "A" record is missing in the child domain zone.




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