
This is not just an ADAM problem it's been a problem with LDAP
directories for some time now and was discussed in the LDAPbis WG. 
As a result if you look at RFC4513(RFC2829 is obsolete) you will 
see this issue is now addressed by making a distinction between an
anonymous authentication and an "unauthenticated authentication"
mechanism. This puts the burden of checking sins of omission on the LDAP
client (a RFC to beat client vendors with) but *also* allows a server to
fail a bind request that populates the name but not the password.

Zero length passwords have always been a pain, the RFC has been updated
to recognize that and I think you could make a change 
request for compliance on that basis.

One other thing on the client side that you could do as a check if you
can modify the app, if you bind with the dn and password 
provided by the user you can then read the 


attribute from ADAM rootDSE to see who you are. A more generic
approach would be to bind using the dn and password and then use
the RFC4532 LDAP WhoAmI ( Extended Op to
see the DSA thinks you are (ADAM implements this) should return
null for a anonyomous or unauthenticated connection.

Lee Flight

--RFC4515 extract--

5.1.1.  Anonymous Authentication Mechanism of Simple Bind
An LDAP client may use the anonymous authentication 
mechanism of the simple Bind method to explicitly establish 
an anonymous authorization state by sending a Bind request 
with a name value of zero length and specifying the simple 
authentication choice containing a password value of zero 

5.1.2.  Unauthenticated Authentication Mechanism of Simple Bind

An LDAP client may use the unauthenticated authentication 
mechanism of the simple Bind method to establish an anonymous 
authorization state by sending a Bind request with a name value 
(a distinguished name in LDAP string form [RFC4514] of non-zero 
length) and specifying the simple authentication choice containing 
a password value of zero length.

The distinguished name value provided by the client is intended 
to be used for trace (e.g., logging) purposes only. The value is   not
to be authenticated or otherwise validated (including verification that
the DN refers to an existing directory object).  The value is not to be
used (directly or indirectly) for authorization purposes.

Unauthenticated Bind operations can have significant security 
issues (see Section 6.3.1).

In particular, users intending to perform Name/Password Authentication
may inadvertently provide an empty
password and thus cause poorly implemented clients to request
Unauthenticated access.  Clients SHOULD be implemented to require
user selection of the Unauthenticated Authentication Mechanism by
means other than user input of an empty password.  Clients SHOULD
disallow an empty password input to a Name/Password Authentication
user interface.  

Additionally, Servers SHOULD by default fail
Unauthenticated Bind requests with a resultCode of


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jef Kazimer
> Sent: 29 September 2006 01:53
> To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
> Subject: [ActiveDir] ADAM bind Redirection with a NULL password
> Since there has been talk of LDAP "Authentication" as of 
> late, I figured I'd post my issue of poorly developed 
> applications allowing a null password to an ADAM instance 
> using Bind Redirection.
> http://jeftek.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!F2042DC08607EF2!710.entry
> I'd be curious if a bit flip to shut down this possibility 
> could be put in control of the directory Admin, instead of 
> relying on the developers.
> Thanks,
> Jef Kazimer 
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