These 900 workstations are not scattered all over the place. They are placed over 4 locations
This site has 3 DC's, which are all W2k3 R2 GC enabled.
Any impact problems to be aware of?
but thanks for the script!

Paul Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here's a script I've used in the past to do what you want:
I wouldn't worry about the computer logons if you do this out of hours, e.g. run the script via a scheduled task or simply initiate at 2000 or whatever.  Those machines are going to be scattered all over the place and will use different DCs.
----- Original Message -----
To: Active
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 3:14 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] OT: Bulk Workstation reboots.....

I have a startup script which inputs a variable on every XP workstation.
This variable is going to change and I need the workstations to be rebooted to reflect the change.
I have around 900 workstations, I was thinking of using the shutdown.exe tool with the remote name in a batch file.
I was planning on doing through during the night, does anyone see any issues/impact if I set 900 machines to reboot automatically? Does anyone else have a better idea?

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