I have a rather off the wall DNS scavenging question.

I have a bunch of DNS records that are stale and need to be scavenged
out of the zone.  Following the O'REILLY book: DNS on Windows Server
2003 I have configured aging and scavenging.  (Don't ask why this
wasn't done when the zone was first setup, that is another story)

Now I know: If scavenging is disabled on a standard zone and you enable
scavenging, the server does not scavenge records that existed before
you enabled scavenging. The server does not scavenge those records even
if you convert the zone to an Active Directory–integrated zone first. 

To enable scavenging of such records, use the AgeAllRecords in
Dnscmd.exe.  I know this must be done in order to configure existing
records to a scavengable state.

Is there a way to immediately force a scavenge cycle that will remove
all stale records?  I would not to have to wait unitl the "no-refresh"
and "refresh" intervals expire.

Daniel Gilbert

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