Hi Matt,


Natively it's difficult to track all changes to AD.  If you do this
through the event log, then you need a mechanism to regularly harvest
the event logs, such as Microsoft Audit Collection System (ACS).
Otherwise, as you've noted, the logs will overwrite and you will lose
historical information.  Even with event collection in place, you're
still at the mercy of what changes and what change information you can
actually get from the event log.  By increasing your audit policy you
can ensure more change details are captured in the event log, but you're
also producing a lot of additional information in the event logs that
you might not need, and you may need to worry about server overhead,
logs wrapping more often, etc.  Ultimately you likely need to know not
just that an object was modified but what specifically was changed,
before/after values, etc. - not all of which is easy to gleam from event


The two main 3rd party products that solve this challenge are NetPro
ChangeAuditor and Quest InTrust for Active Directory.






[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mattingly,
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 11:18 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] AD Auditing and Change Control


Hi All,

I was asked if there was a way to find out all changes performed in AD
by a particular user account.  The personal was wondering if there is a
AD attribute to query on to do this.  Natively I believe that event log
auditing is about the only way you can track this information natively
which is almost useless because the security log overwrites after a day
or so. As far as I know in AD you have a creation and modified date on
objects in AD but there is no "created by" or "modified by" attribute
that I am aware of.  I thought maybe object owner might be and attribute
but I did not see this listed in ADSIEdit.  

This is basically a "How can we find out what this guy is doing or did?"

Questions: Is this even possible with native tools?  Are there
recommended 3rd party tools that could do this?  I've heard of something
call ECORA Auditor Pro, anybody use this?



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