Hello, colleagues,

I'm sorry to have to ask this, but I can't figure out how to get this
information for a particular client. She wants a list of all the primary
email addresses and their secondary email addresses (aliases) for a
particular OU in Active Directory. This OU is named FND, and it is at
the top of mydomain.mydepartment.local. It has sub-OU's as well.

I figure ADFind will do the job, but I just am not familiar enough with
the tool to get the information out.

Can somebody help me? 

Larry Wahlers
Concordia Technologies
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
direct office line: (314) 996-1876
List info   : http://www.activedir.org/List.aspx
List FAQ    : http://www.activedir.org/ListFAQ.aspx
List archive: http://www.activedir.org/ma/default.aspx

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