We have an application that is using an Apache server to do LDAP
authentications against our active directory.  (Yeah, I know; if only I
were king!  LOL!)  The application developer tells me that if he tries
doing an auth against our root base (dc=yyy,dc=zzz), the auth fails.  If
he uses a search base of "ou=xxx,dc=yyy,dc=zzz", the auth works.  The
user account that is being tested is some OU levels below this.  He is
coding a subtree scope and he is filtering on (objectclass=user and


It's like Apache needs to start at an OU structure.  I couldn't find
much on Google about this other than someone else was having the same
issue last Fall and just gave up in frustration.   The Apache
documentation I could find seemed to indicate that a search of
"dc=yyy,dc=zzz" SHOULD work.


Any thoughts/pointers are appreciated!  Thanks!


Mike Thommes

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