Read all of this sort of. I have a fairly simple opinion:


If you want to screw around, or do small scale virtualization, VS or
VMWare server - whatever makes you happy, they're about the same in a


If you want to go do all that money saving stuff, large scale lets buy
some gigantic servers on a SAN, drink the kool aid off the cover of
eweek, etc - go buy an esx license or two. 



Brian Desmond



c - 312.731.3132


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Akomolafe, Deji
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 12:29 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Remote DC's on Virtual Server


>>>All indications to the contrary are likely due to insufficient
operational experience with the product - not an attack on anyone just a
statement based on my personal experience and interactions with others

Not at all, Ben. I can speak from both side of the aisle as far as
VMWare and VS are concerned, although my bias, to which I have already
confessed, plays a role in my dislike of VMWare. My dislike, though, is
driven largely based on the original (apples and oranges) statement to
which I responded. I have not disputed that VMWare is ahead of VS at
this present time. I have simply stipulated that the perceived gap is so
considerably narrowed now that dismissing VS as a non-starter is no
longer a technically sound or tenable position.


>>>However, MS stated virtual machine support is the same regardless of
virtual environment provider.
This is just wrong. Please see


You will also notice that my observation and opinion were based mostly
on where we are today on VS 2005 SP1 Beta 2. I do not dispute that
VMWare is superior, but at what cost? I disagree with your assertion
that ESX is easier to deploy and manage than VS - that just defies logic
(no offense). Not with the availability of System Center.  When you need
to provision a lab of, say, 20 servers running various OSes, and you are
under the gun to get it done, like 4 hours ago, on a piece of recycled
(Ebayed) hardware, ESX is not your friend.


I was afraid that this thread will go down the undesirable path of "Us
vs Them", and I apologize for making it so. The point I'm trying to make
is that, if you are looking for a Virtualization solution, VS does NOT
stink one bit. Factor in the cost overlay, the deployment and
maintenance efforts, divide that by what EXACTLY you are looking for in
virtualization, then give VS a fair shake and not just go with the
popular "VMWare Rules" opinion. ESX may have been sexy a while back when
VS was truly ugly, but that is not the case today. VS is evolving, and
you may just be pleasantly surprised that it adequately meets your need
without breaking your bank and back.


  (, /  |  /)               /)     /)   
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 ) /    |_/(__(_) // (_(_)(/_(_(_/(__(/_
(_/                             /)      
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services <x-excid://32770000/uri:http:/>  - we
know IT
-5.75, -3.23
Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about
Yesterday? -anon



From: Bernard, Aric
Sent: Sat 1/20/2007 5:41 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Remote DC's on Virtual Server

Other points to clear up...
MS supports VS2005 as it is there product.  However, MS stated virtual
machine support is the same regardless of virtual environment provider.
MS recently (nore than a year ago?) made some changes to their licensing
model for virtual environments in terms of the Windows OS and how many
instances can be run given a single license.  This is applicable to any
virtual environment, not just VS2005.
In my role I am a supporter (technically, politically, and marketing) of
MS products.  However, from an Enterprise perspective (management and
operations) VMWare is generally regarded as the superior product for all
the reasons mentioned and more. VMWare is not difficult to implement and
operate as compared to VS2005 and from an enterprise perspective often
considered easier to manage given the wide range of tools available for
it.  All indications to the contrary are likely due to insufficient
operational experience with the product - not an attack on anyone just a
statement based on my personal experience and interactions with others.
Sent from my Windows Mobile device.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Brett Shirley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "" <>
Sent: 1/20/07 3:28 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Remote DC's on Virtual Server
Does anyone know if the vmware stuff, allows "ba xxx w4" in the windows
debugger (obviously running on windows guest VM)?
ba xxx w4 = means break on address write w/in 4 bytes of the xxx, which
a pointer.  This kind of bp is set through a register directly on the
I know for a fact VS doesn't support it ... not sure if its impossible
support, switching machines would mean you simply have to swap out that
set of registers as well, I guess ... just curious.
BrettSh [msft]
posting "as is"
On Thu, 18 Jan 2007, Akomolafe, Deji wrote:
> >>> one runs on bare metal and other runs under a host OS
> Actually, that's a sleight of hand. ESX runs on a VMware-cooked Linux
Kernel. So, one can argue that, because it is bundled with its own "OS",
ESX does not really "run on bare metal" in the way some people describe
> Sincerely,
>    _____
>   (, /  |  /)               /)     /)
>     /---| (/_  ______   ___// _   //  _
>  ) /    |_/(__(_) // (_(_)(/_(_(_/(__(/_
> (_/                             /)
>                                (/
> Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
> - we know IT
> -5.75, -3.23
> Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about
Yesterday? -anon
> From: Noah Eiger
> Sent: Thu 1/18/2007 4:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Remote DC's on Virtual Server
> I realize this is now getting a bit OT, but.
> Deji, I think the fruit distinction is based on the fact that one runs
on bare metal and other runs under a host OS. (Or at least that is how I
have always thought of them.) Beyond that, I agree there are simply
feature comparisons.
> That said, (and with the caveat that I have not worked with ESX) I
find the MS product to be much simpler than VM Server (nee GSX). I
started halfway down the path of migrating my MS VMs to VM Server and
found it overly complex and the video emulation performance using the VM
Ware client was so bad as to be unacceptable.
> And as to the OP, I have DCs running on MS VS2k5 R2 and have not had
any problems. In the situation you describe, Justin, it seems like
performance and cost would be the deciding factor.
> --- nme
> From: Akomolafe, Deji [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Remote DC's on Virtual Server
> :)
> Interesting points, again. Did I remember to say that I am biased? I
think so. I expect that I'm going to catch some flaks for what I'm about
to write, but .....
> These do not make VS and ESX "apples and oranges". VMotion, Host
clustering. Different nomenclature, different capabilities, same
purpose, Resource allocation guarantee, CPU Resource allocation weight.
> Superior Networking capabilities. Sure. Does VS have networking
capabilities? Of course. Does ESX integrate with AD as well as VS? Does
it run on Windows? Support software iSCSI? Live backup and Shadow Copy?
(OK, if you count VCB and its proxy).
> Administration - show of hands, quick - ESX or VS, which is easier and
less complex to deploy and administer? Which has easier and faster
client deployment option?
> I swear, I have NOT drunk any kool-aid, but I think people's
perceptions of the superiority of ESX over VS is largely driven by a
combination of historical trends, myths, marketing and the unavoidable
"Winblows Sux" mentality. Since we are on a Windows-centric list here, I
do not mind admitting that I do not subscribe to the notion that if it's
not Windows, it must be better than Windows. Mind you, Hunter, I am NOT
implying that this is where you are coming from, but the reason I asked
you to enunciate the reasoning behind your thinking was because I was
hoping to hear something I haven't heard before on this issue.
> VS certainly wasn't as feature-rich as ESX a couple of revs back. The
gap is considerably narrowed with what's currently going into VS and
what ESX 3.0.1 has today. Will VS catch and surpass ESX in a few months,
no. Will it ever catch up, maybe. But, today, if we factor in the cost
overlay (in licensing, hardware and administrative values), and discount
our preconceived (or received) notions of ESX superiority, and give VS
(as of SP1 Beta 2) a fair shake, one would be pleasantly surprised at
how narrow the gap really is.
> To me, these 2 products are all bananas - one is a "just banana" and
the other is "organic banana". They are certainly not more "apple and
orange" than your convertible and my jalopy are "apple and orange". They
are both virtualization tools, and they each serve the same purpose. One
is cheap (like, FREE cheap, while giving you liberal Windows licensing
terms and flexibility to boot), the other is not.
> Now, I'm off to find my Teflon :)
> Sincerely,
>    _____
>   (, /  |  /)               /)     /)
>     /---| (/_  ______   ___// _   //  _
>  ) /    |_/(__(_) // (_(_)(/_(_(_/(__(/_
> (_/                             /)
>                                (/
> Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
> - we know IT
> -5.75, -3.23
> Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about
Yesterday? -anon
> From: Coleman, Hunter
> Sent: Thu 1/18/2007 2:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Remote DC's on Virtual Server
> On the Virtual Infrastructure side: Moving running guests across hosts
(vmotion), the network configuration options, lower host overhead,
grouping hosts into resource pools and allowing guests to automatically
migrate based on allocation guarantees, 4-way SMP guests, 64-bit guests
> Nothing wrong with Virtual Server, but I see it more on par with
VMware Server than ESX/Virtual Infrastructure.
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Akomolafe, Deji
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 2:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Remote DC's on Virtual Server
> Interesting points, Hunter.
> Not to engage in a holy war or something, but would you mind
mentioning what makes one of these Orange and the other Apple (the
fruit)? No, don't mention 64-bit Guest, thank you very much :)[1]
> [1]<Grumbling> I wish MS will hurry up on this front already.
> Sincerely,
>    _____
>   (, /  |  /)               /)     /)
>     /---| (/_  ______   ___// _   //  _
>  ) /    |_/(__(_) // (_(_)(/_(_(_/(__(/_
> (_/                             /)
>                                (/
> Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
> - we know IT
> -5.75, -3.23
> Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about
Yesterday? -anon
> From: Coleman, Hunter
> Sent: Thu 1/18/2007 1:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Remote DC's on Virtual Server
> IMHO, ESX/VM Infrastructure and Virtual Server are like apples and
oranges. Yes, they are both virtualization environments, but have vastly
different capabilities. VM Infrastructure has a much broader and deeper
feature set that does come with added cost and complexity.
> Regardless, in the context of the original question I'd be concerned
about the load Exchange is going to place on the host hardware. How many
Exchange users are in the 8 domains, and how many of these would
potentially be connecting to the alternate site? Are you going to have
GC availability to support Exchange? What other resources at the hotsite
might be looking for DC/GC services?
> I would also be careful about having a configuration at my hotsite
that is significantly different from my normal production environment.
When things have melted down to the point of failing over to the
hotsite, it's not a good time to be pulling out the manuals for your
infrastructure because you don't work with it day in and day out.
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Akomolafe, Deji
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 1:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Remote DC's on Virtual Server
> ESX (VMWare) is good - and pricey. And very strict as to hardware
specs. And complex to setup and administer. And, I could be wrong on
this, NOT (MS)-supported for virtualizing DCs.
> Virtual Server, on the other hand, is good, not pricey, less picky,
more supported (I believe it's actually validated) for DCs
virtualization. Plus, the liberal OS licensing scheme is very attractive
to me.
> Yes, I know, VMWare rules the market. Yes, I am biased.
> Sincerely,
>    _____
>   (, /  |  /)               /)     /)
>     /---| (/_  ______   ___// _   //  _
>  ) /    |_/(__(_) // (_(_)(/_(_(_/(__(/_
> (_/                             /)
>                                (/
> Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
> - we know IT
> -5.75, -3.23
> Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about
Yesterday? -anon
> From: Salandra, Justin A.
> Sent: Thu 1/18/2007 11:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: [ActiveDir] Remote DC's on Virtual Server
> What would you recommend for the following situation.
> We are thinking of having a hot site where Exchange will be replicated
to a remote location.  Since Exchange will be remote over the Internet,
we will need to have DC's for each domain available in that remote site.
(This would all be going across a VPN)
> I was thinking about placing 8 DC's on a VMWare Infrastructure 3
server Enterprise edition.  These DC's would really only be used in the
event of a disaster and people started connecting to Exchange up in the
remote site.
> Is VMWare Infrastructure 3 good?  What would you use?
> Justin A. Salandra
> MCSE Windows 2000 & 2003
> Network and Technology Services Manager
> Catholic Healthcare System
> 646.505.3681 - office
> 917.455.0110 - cell
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