[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John
Sent: 31 August 2007 03:15
Subject: select statement fails

> greetings all,
> I think I have a case of too much data being returned to a perl
script, but I'm not certain.
> using perl 5, DBI:ODBC, MS-SQL and IIS 6:

I am guessing you mean DBI and DBD::ODBC.

> executing the following code:
> $sth = $dbh->prepare("select field1 from table ") || &failed( "prep
failed" );
> $exec = $sth->execute() || &failed( "exec failed" );
> correctly returns 170 rows of data. but if I replace the field name
with *, as in:
> $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from table ") || &failed( "prep failed"
> $exec = $sth->execute() || &failed( "exec failed" );
> it returns no data, but neither does either statement fail. the table
contains 160 fields.
> can the script be overwhelmed with too much data, and/or are there
limits of field counts or return-set size, 
> and if so can they be managed? I have a hard time believing perl can't
handle this table.
> any ideas greatly appreciated. thanks.

Firstly, colour me clueless with regard to ODBC, MS_SQL and IIS, but I
have some experience of DBI.

You don't really provide enough information, but the database driver
(DBD::ODBC in this case) should be capable of fetching enormous amounts
of data from the database if you use if intelligently, i.e. don't try to
fetch everything in one go. Certainly much more than 170 rows of 160
fields (if that is what you mean) so your problem is likely to be
elsewhere, probably in the code that you haven't shown us.

In the mean time, I have a couple of suggestions.

I prefer in general to use the RaiseError attribute on the database
connection which makes for cleaner code (IMO), and often less typing as
you don't need to explicitly check every DBI call, which I like. For
example my typical prepare/execute/fetch code looks something like this
(just typed from memory, not from real code):

eval {
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select * from table});
    while (my $rowref = $sth->fetch) {
die $@ if S@;

Also, it is better not to prefix subroutine calls with '&', unless a)
you know what it does, and b) you actually need that functionality. Its
less typing as well, which I like, as I think I mentioned :-).

Can I also reiterate Jan Dubois' request to post in plain text, as it
makes it easier (certainly for me) to reply.


Brian Raven 

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