[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: 22 October 2007 21:13
Subject: Index of element in array?

> Gurus, 
> I'm unable to find this in the Camel, Panther, or Billygoat books, so
I'll ask you... Is there a Perl function > that returns the index of a
given element in an array?  For example: 
> my @list = q( apple  banana  pear  grapefruit); 
> my $look4 = "banana"; 
> my $ndx = somefunc( $look4, @list ); # sets $ndx to 1 
> $look4 = "monkeywrench"; 
> $ndx = somefunc( $look4, @list); # sets $ndx to -1, or maybe undef? 
> I'm trying to find a more elegant way than running a foreach loop over

You have already received some good answers (particularly Martin's
suggestion of List::MoreUtils), but I shall ask, what seems to me, the
obvious question. What are you trying to achieve by doing this, as there
may be a more 'perl-ish' way of doing it than finding the index of
elements in an array. I believe that the main reason that such a
function does not already exist in core Perl is that a) it is very
rarely necessary, and b) it is fairly trivial to implement when it is
(see the code for List::MoreUtils).

If you can answer this, then you might get an even more useful


Also, can I echo Martin's request to post in plain text.

Brian Raven 

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