Wow, this is exactly what I've been waiting for this whole year!

Now if the final release will only come out before Christmas...hee hee

Jan Dubois wrote:
> ActiveState is pleased to announce ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1000 Beta,
> a beta release of the complete, ready-to-install Perl distribution for
> Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and AIX.
> This build is based on the first release candidate of the Perl 5.10
> source code.  Since Perl 5.10 is not yet complete, this build
> is designated as a Beta and will be followed by a final build once
> Perl 5.10 is officially released.
> Please use this beta build to try out new features in Perl 5.10 and to
> test source level compatibility of your existing Perl code under this
> new release (note that Perl 5.10 is not binary compatible to earlier
> releases).
> For detailed information or to download this beta release, see:
> New in ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1000 Beta
> ========================================
> Some exciting new features to look for:
> * The new switch statement and smart-match operator
>   The new smart-matching operator ~~ compares two expressions with each
>   other; the exact nature of the match is being determined by the types of
>   both expressions: matching a string and hash will return if the hash
>   contains a key equal to the string; matching a regular expression
>   against an array will return if any element of the array matched
>   successfully against the regexp etc.
>   The new switch statement will smart-match a single expression repeatedly
>   against a list of other expression until one matches. For example:
>     given($foo) {
>         when ("foo") {
>             say '$foo is the string "foo"';
>         }
>         when ([1,3,5,7,9]) {
>             say '$foo is an odd digit';
>             continue; # Fall through
>         }
>         when ($_ < 100) {
>             say '$foo is numerically less than 100';
>         }
>         default {
>             die q(I don't know what to do with $foo);
>         }
>     }
> * Defined-or operator
>   The new defined-or operator // allows you to write
>     $a // $b
>   instead of repeating the first argument as in
>     defined $a ? $a : $b
>   Also the statement
>     $c //= $d;
>   can now be used instead of
>     $c = $d unless defined $c;
> * Many improvements to the regular expression engine, including:
>   The regular expression engine is no longer recursive, meaning that
>   patterns that used to overflow the stack will either die with useful
>   explanations, or run to completion, which, since they were able to blow
>   the stack before, will likely take a very long time to happen.
>   - It is now possible to write recursive patterns that are easy to read 
>     (for a regular expression), and are executed in an efficient manner.
>   - It is now possible to name capturing parenthesis in a pattern and
>     refer to the captured contents by name. The naming syntax is
>     (?<NAME>....). It's possible to backreference to a named buffer with
>     the \k<NAME> syntax. After the match the named capture groups are
>     accessible via the %+ hash:
>         my $value = "foo 42";
>         if ($value =~ /^(?<name>\w+) \s* (?<number>\d+)$/x) {
>             say "Name $+{name} and Number $+{number}";
>         }
>   - possessive quantifiers
>   - backtracking control verbs
>   - relative backreferences
> Other new features include:
> * new say() function 
> * lexical $_ variable 
> * _ prototype 
> * UNITCHECK blocks 
> * state variables 
> * stacked filetest operators 
> * byte-order modifiers for pack() and unpack() 
> * Many bug fixes 
> * Additional core modules 
> * Extended documentation
> Download ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1000 Beta now:
> Getting Started
> ===============
> Whether you're a first-time user or a long-time fan, our free resources 
> will help you get the most from ActivePerl.
> Mailing list archives:
> Feedback
> ========
> Everyone is encouraged to participate in making Perl an even better 
> language.
> For bugs related to ActiveState use:
> For bugs related directly to Perl please use the 'perlbug' utility.
> Enjoy!
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