Hello Bob,

Saturday, September 21, 2002, 5:48:51 PM, you wrote:

BK> Two questions about the dde module:
BK>  1. Why is the documentation so poor?

Nobody  has written them yet! DDE is a Windows 'API' so you can read a
lot about DDE at MSDN.

BK>  2. Why does Exec throw an exception even when the command succeeds?

BK>     This code actually does what it's supposed to: it connects to a
BK>     running instance of Internet Explorer and opens the requested
BK>     page.  But, having done that successfully, it also does something
BK>     it shouldn't do: throws an exception:

This seems to be something about IE. In FAQT there is an article about
using DDE to run IE

BTW,  I found the source for the dde module (Via Mr Chris Tismer's site for Pirx;
http://starship.python.net/crew/pirx/).  I'm  not absolutely sure that
this  is  the  source used in ActivePython, but I bet that if it isn't
someone will be nice and tell us ;-)

The source can be downloaded at: http://starship.python.net/crew/pirx/win32/dde.zip

This source seems to be based on the "Implementing DDE Using C++ Classes" by Mr
Nigel Thompson. 
There are also some references to Q92829 in the KB.

Anyway,  One possible reason for the exception in IE could be that the
DDE  timeout  has  be  set  to 5 seconds. If IE doesn't say it's ready
within  5 sec then you will get an error/exception. If you want to use
DDE  in some 'real' application you should look up asynchronous use of
DDE. A Real good site is RHA (Minisystems)  "Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and NetDDE

I  hope  that  this  info will get you on your way and Please document
your movements through DDE territory using Python.

Best regards,
 Anders                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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