On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 1:45 AM, Thibaut Barrère
<thibaut.barr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also, while you are making changes, how about Google Groups for the mail
>> list?  I saw a few other +1's on that.  Mailman archives are not nearly as
>> easy to search and often seem to miss messages some messages from the
>> archive.  Searching google group archives is much easier and I suspect it
>> will increase the pagerank of activewarehouse at the same time.
> I'd +1 on this one. Anthony: I can provide some help if needed (not sure if
> something useful can be done here).

It is done. I've updated the web site as well.

> As well I believe having some place to gather "contrib" code that is not
> merged into the main aw/aw-etl would be neat.
> Could be either:
> - a section for that in the wiki
> - or a contrib repo

I suggest creating other repos (like you've done with the etl
additions you created) and then providing links to those from the


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