Dear All


A while ago I mentioned that I was working with a group in Arundel that
aims to collect biological information for habitats around the town.
This is linked to the proposals for a bypass but is keeping itself
independent from arguments about the bypass.  Many thanks to all who
responded then.  I know some who responded were in favor of a new road,
others were against it, but a desire for good biological information is
common ground.  The group now has a good understanding of survey
locations where more information is wanted, and has taken on Jacqueline
Thompson (copied in above) to co-ordinate the survey effort.


We are now asking for help from any interested volunteer recorders to
blitz the area for biological information.  I did a woodland survey here
back in 1992, and it clearly looked a very interesting area, and I think
others have also found the wetlands interesting.  Therefore please can I
ask for volunteers again?


If you are interested please do contact Jackie Thompson directly, email
above and many thanks in advance to anyone who'd like to come forward.






Dr A Whitbread.  Chief Executive

Direct line: 01273 497550

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Our aim is to conserve and enhance the Sussex landscape, its
wildlife and habitats and inspire people to care about their natural 
environment to help safeguard our county for future generations.
Taking Care of Sussex


Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies 
Act.  Registered in England, Company No. 698851.   Registered Charity No. 
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