Dear All,

The conservation officer role advert is now live. Please circulate widely:


It is also on environmentjob and countryside jobs as well.


Many thanks, 


Rachel Carless 
Project Manager - Arun and Rother Connections - Linking Landscape and Community 
(ARC project)  

Have you downloaded the ARC Explorer app yet? Download via <> 

South East England Regional Office 1st Floor, Pavilion View, 19 New Road, 
Brighton BN1 1UF 
Tel 01273 775 333 (office) / 01273 763 374 (DL) 
Mobile 07718 116 843 


The RSPB is the country’s largest nature conservation charity, inspiring 
everyone to give nature a home. Together with our partners, we protect 
threatened birds and wildlife so our towns, coast and countryside will teem 
with life once again. We play a leading role in BirdLife International, a 
worldwide partnership of nature conservation organisations.

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is a registered charity: 
England and Wales no. 207076, Scotland no. SC037654






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contact the sender and then delete this email from your system. The Royal 
Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is a registered charity in England 
and Wales no. 207076 and in Scotland no. SC037654. 

Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies 
Act.  Registered in England, Company No. 698851.   Registered Charity No. 
207005.  VAT Registration No. 191 305969.   Registered Office: Woods Mill, 
Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD.  Telephone 01273 492630

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