Fellow Adastrans, 


 I'll be taking on a larger role in organising the Sussex Wildlife Trust
education course programme in the future and I'm looking to use my new
powers to give people the opportunity to learn more about Sussex
wildlife - and then get them out recording across the county. 


My plan is to recruit a whole army of new wildlife recorders. And then
annex Woolmer Forest and claim it as part of Sussex. 


Sussex Wildlife Trust offers a wide range of education courses each year
from Bryophytes to Bats and everything in between. 

It's a great opportunity to start learning about a new species or group
whether for enjoyment, your career or, more importantly,  to assist in
recording and conservation. 


Courses are mainly run from our Woods Mill HQ but we also use other
venues from Ebernoe to Rye. 


The list of 2016's courses is below but full details, along with booking
information, are available on our website at


...where you'll also find information about hundreds of other wildlife
events we are running across the county. 


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please drop me an
email at michaelblenc...@sussexwt.org.uk

(don't reply to this email as that goes to everybody and annoys them) or
come and have a chat with me at my beautiful display stall at Adastra. 


See you on Saturday. 


Michael Blencowe 




Feb 26                   Common Woodland Bryophytes         

Mar 5&6               Introduction to Hoverflies (FULLY BOOKED)

Mar 5                    Willow Basket Making

Apr 8                     Small Mammals of Sussex

Apr 8                     A Beginners Guide to Raptors (FULLY BOOKED)

Apr 9 &  10          Beginning Nature Photography 

Apr 16 & 17         Introduction to Bees (FULLY BOOKED)

May 7                    Building a Garden Pond for Wildlife         

May 8                    Introduction to Nature Photography       

May 12                 An Evening with Nightingales     

May 13, 14,15    Botanical Illustration (FULLY BOOKED)

May 14                 Willow Sculpture for the Garden               

May 15                 Sussex Seashore Identification  

May 16                 An Evening with Nightingales     

May 20                 An Evening with Bats      

May 21                 Wild Flowers of Sussex  

May 25                 Wildlife and the Planning Process             

May 27                 Ecology of the Hazel Dormouse 

June 9                   Wildflower Meadows - Creation, Management &

June 10                 An Introduction to Beetles          

June 18 &19        Beginning Nature Photography 

June 25                 Dragonflies & Damselflies            

June 25                 Introduction to Moths   

July 1 &  2            Identifying Grasses, Sedges & Rushes    

July 8th                 An Evening with Glow Worms    

July                        Summer Butterflies of Sussex    

July 9                     Natural History of Bumblebees  

July 17                   An Introduction to Bumblee Ecology &

August 7 & 14     Carve a Stylised Leaf or Wild Flower Plaque         

Sep 8                     Ecology of the Hazel Dormouse                

Sep 17                   Autumn Wildlife Migration          

Sep 17 & 18         Beginning Nature Photography Woods

Sep  30                  Harvest Mouse Ecology & Survey

Oct 16                    The Owls of Sussex

Nov 3                     Introduction to Fungi     

Nov 5                     An Introduction to the UK's Gulls

Nov 5 & 6             Improving Nature Photography 

Dec 16                   Habitat Management for Invertebrates 




Please visit our website http://sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk 


Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies 
Act.  Registered in England, Company No. 698851.   Registered Charity No. 
207005.  VAT Registration No. 191 305969.   Registered Office: Woods Mill, 
Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD.  Telephone 01273 492630

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