Hi Steven
Please speak to Norman Carrack at the University of Sussex he works at LASI and 
is keen to speak to anyone on these matters, and can also provide evidence on 
NE's stance.  He may already be aware of Jon Cursons, if you wish to friend 
Norman Carrack on facebook I can help you there or just send him a friend 
request yourself.

      From: Steven Falk <ste...@sfalk.wanadoo.co.uk>
 To: 'Adastra discussion group' <adastra@lists.sxbrc.org.uk> 
 Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 11:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [Adastra] Action taken regarding changes to NaturalEngland 
funding for Local Environmental Record Centres
Hi Candi, Can you tell me more abiut that NE story? Also, I think Jon Cursons 
ought to know as he's NE's bee person. Was this a Sussex site? Hopefullty it 
was just a misundertanding, but can you Email me the details, as I may be able 
to fix things or push for a better fix. You can Email me via my website if the 
email address does not show up in this posting, Cheers, Steven (bee book chap, 
Midlands-based Sussex-phile)  Steven Falk BSc ARCS 
FRESEntomologist-Artist-Photographerwww.stevenfalk.co.ukmobile: 0781 555 
7263Twitter: @StevenFalk1 Help Our Bees: 
http://www.stevenfalk.co.uk/help-our-bees Flickr Image library 
at:http://www.flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/collections/ LinkedIn profile: 
https://www.linkedin.com/in/steven-falk-aa8ba817 2012 winner of the Royal 
Entomological Society Marsh Award for Insect Conservation 
From: Adastra [mailto:adastra-boun...@lists.sxbrc.org.uk] On Behalf Of Candi 
Sent: 07 March 2016 10:44
To: Adastra discussion group
Subject: Re: [Adastra] Action taken regarding changes to NaturalEngland funding 
for Local Environmental Record Centres

I would not get your hope up regarding Natural England. Its quite likely there 
doors will remain closed.
On another matter regarding Natural England, their stance regarding bees is 
rather alarming, they seem to think that they have no place in the British 
Isles, and I even heard of a case where someone applied for a grant to protect 
a rare bee and they offered to help get rid of them instead.
We live in interesting times.

From: "clareblenc...@sussexwt.org.uk" <clareblenc...@sussexwt.org.uk>
To: adastra@lists.sxbrc.org.uk 
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Adastra] Action taken regarding changes to Natural England 
funding for Local Environmental Record Centres

#yiv1622035005 UNKNOWN {FONT-FAMILY:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 
4;}#yiv1622035005 UNKNOWN {FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma;panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 
4;}#yiv1622035005 P.yiv1622035005MsoNormal {FONT-SIZE:11pt;MARGIN:0in 0in 
0pt;}#yiv1622035005 LI.yiv1622035005MsoNormal {FONT-SIZE:11pt;MARGIN:0in 0in 
0pt;}#yiv1622035005 DIV.yiv1622035005MsoNormal {FONT-SIZE:11pt;MARGIN:0in 0in 
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{TEXT-DECORATION:underline;COLOR:blue;}#yiv1622035005 A:visited 
SPAN.yiv1622035005EmailStyle17 {COLOR:windowtext;}#yiv1622035005 
SPAN.yiv1622035005EmailStyle18 {COLOR:#1f497d;}#yiv1622035005 
.yiv1622035005MsoChpDefault {FONT-SIZE:10pt;}#yiv1622035005 UNKNOWN 
{MARGIN:1in;}#yiv1622035005 DIV.yiv1622035005WordSection1 {}There was a piece 
in The Guardian online yesterday on Natural England withdrawing funding for 
Local Environmental Record Centres (LERCs):  
  Regarding the impact on us here at Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre, Natural 
England withdrawing funding isn’t a ‘life or death’ matter for us. We have the 
support of many partners who value the high quality biodiversity information 
that we provide – using records supplied and verified by the local biological 
recording community. We’re confident we’ll be able to balance the books next 
year. But the whole issue remains very worrying for all the reasons outlined in 
the letter that was sent on 17 February to Defra and Natural England (see 
below).  The Association of Local Environmental Record Centres has now made its 
representations to Defra and Natural England: 
 We understand that the National Forum for Biological Recording will also be 
making representations. And the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts is talking to 
Natural England about the importance of local biodiversity evidence. We haven’t 
yet heard anything from Defra or Natural England. Hopefully they will listen 
and reconsider their decision in the light of the concerns being raised. Best 
wishes,  Clare From: Blencowe, Clare 
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 11:38 AM
To: 'adastra@lists.sxbrc.org.uk'
Subject: Action taken regarding changes to Natural England funding for Local 
Environmental Record Centres Dear Sussex Biological Recorders – Adastrans,Those 
of you who were at Adastra on Saturday 6 February will be aware of the concern 
that was expressed by many delegates at the recent decision by Natural England 
to end funding agreements with all Local Environmental Record Centres from 
April 2016. (See ALERC announcement here.)At the meeting, Tony Whitbread (Chief 
Exec of Sussex Wildlife Trust) stood up and asked the attendees if they would 
be happy to provide a mandate, so that representations could be made to Natural 
England, on behalf of the Sussex recording community, regarding this decision. 
The mood of the room seemed to be very much in favour and a number of delegates 
urged that something should be done. Yesterday, the Sussex Committee for 
Biological Recording sent the attached letter – on behalf of participants at 
the 27th Sussex Biological Recorders’ Seminar – to Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss, MP 
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Chair and 
Chief Exec of Natural England. In parallel with this initiative, we at Sussex 
Biodiversity Record Centre are contributing to a joint response from the 
Association of Local Environmental Record Centres (ALERC). We think it will 
help our cause to show unity within ALERC and we will be focussing our response 
on addressing the negative and potentially damaging messages which were implied 
in Natural England’s email, which we think are unjustified.  The Sussex 
Wildlife Trust is also working closely with the Royal Society of Wildlife 
Trusts (RSWT) to highlight the importance of the biodiversity evidence base, 
and the role of Local Environment Record Centres and local recording 
communities in delivering this. It is very heart-warming and encouraging for 
the team here to know that the Sussex biological recording community continues 
to value the service that Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre provides. Many 
thanks to everyone at Adastra, and those I’ve spoken to since, for your 
support. With very best wishes, Clare 


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