Dear all,

As Sussex WT's marine officer I organise regular surveys in the intertidal zone 
of our beaches here in Sussex, known as Shoresearch surveys. These surveys are 
open to all to join and no prior experience is necessary.

We have two surveys coming up next week:

-          Monday 7th August: Peacehaven (meet at 4pm at top of Bastion Steps)

-          Wednesday 9th August: Bognor Rocks, Aldwick (meet at 5pm outside 
Aldwick Beach Café)

We usually survey for up to two hours and record the species we find as a 
group. It's a great opportunity to learn and improve your marine / coastal ID 
skills. Volunteer numbers are not restricted but I would ask that you let me 
know if you intend to come so I know who to expect.

If you'd like any more information please visit:

If you would like to join us on any future surveys or if you have any questions 
please feel free to contact me directly:<>

Best wishes,

Sarah Ward - Living Seas Officer
Mobile: 07717 835 039
Direct line: 01273 497 572



Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies 
Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. 
VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West 
Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630

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