I still support the proposal as-is.  The proposed change does not
weaken any data that is in the database, and in fact may allow it to be
more obvious that these address ranges are used by end users rather than
be unclear what their status is.

Furthermore, I will state that Denis' objections are not relevant to the
proposal.  The proposers, various people on the lists (including myself),
and the RIPE NCC themselves all state the opposite of what Denis is
saying.  In addition the proposers have, in my opinion, addressed the
concerns stated.


On 2023 Nov 21 (Tue) at 11:13:57 +0100 (+0100), Angela Dall'Ara wrote:
:Dear colleagues,
:Policy proposal 2023-04, “Add AGGREGATED-BY-LIR status for IPv4 PA
:assignments”, is now in the Review Phase.
:The goal of this proposal is to introduce the AGGREGATED-BY-LIR status for
:IPv4 PA assignments to reduce LIR efforts in registration and maintenance.
:This proposal has been updated and it is now at version 2.0. The proposed
:policy text did not change, the only difference is that the section
:"Arguments opposing the proposal" includes a reference to the last round of
:The RIPE NCC has prepared an impact analysis on this proposal to support the
:community’s discussion.
:You can find the proposal and impact analysis at:
:And the draft document at:
:As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this
:four-week Review Phase is to continue the discussion of the proposal taking
:the impact analysis into consideration, and to review the full draft RIPE
:Policy Document.
:At the end of the Review Phase, the Working Group (WG) Chairs will determine
:whether the WG has reached rough consensus.
:It is therefore important to provide your opinion, even if it is simply a
:restatement of your input from the previous phase.
:We encourage you to read the proposal, impact analysis and draft document and
:to send any comments to address-policy-wg@ripe.net before 20 December 2023.
:Kind regards,
:Angela Dall'Ara
:Policy Officer


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