On 2/27/07, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I changed the trunk plugins to have 1.0.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT as its version.
I changed the trunk core to have 1.0.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT as its version.

I created also a branch for core to work on a release of
1.0.0-incubating, which will depend on the "released" 1.0.0-incubating
Plugins (see my earlier mail from today).

For now, I think the CORE trunk should depend on the *trunk* of the plugins.
Another option would be to "just" depend on the "released" stuff of the plugins.
I am fine with both.

I think the CORE trunk should depend on released plugins, until
there's a need to rev to snapshots.  And, ideally, we'd rarely
even do that.  We'd put out new releases of the plugin if
CORE needed bug fixes urgently.   In practice, though, this
may be very difficult since the two are somewhat coupled.

-- Adam

In case of we need a "fix" for the plugins we have two possible scenarios:

CORE depends on a released version:
when trying to release CORE and seeing an issue in the plugins, we
need to release that particular plugin (or all at once), to have the
trunk use the "fixed" patched plugins.

CORE depends on SNAPSHOT
A fix is quicker, since both artifacts are SNAPSHOTS.
But at the end, to be able to release the CORE, we also need a release
the plugins before that.

One more, since we, the Apache MyFaces/Trinidad community is in charge
of the PLUGINS and the CORE, there isn't that big issue in depending
on a SNAPSHOT, since it is "our" code.

What do you guys think?


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