On 3/19/07, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Martin,

your email states that this group should at least manage to get the
release of the plugins out. I did. Currently this group is waiting for
an approval to release the CORE as well.

was approved and already released :-)

One item, we need to check is

"Project ready to comply with ASF mirroring guidlines"

I will look at MyFaces, how we do it there, shouldn't be that big deal.

posted to /www/people.apache.org/dis/incubator, as suggested here

@GUMP: we use(d) continuum (was reseted currently)
that should be ok?!

What is your current thinking about this group?
Start a vote? Fix the missing items? Wait for approval for CORE ?

So, what is the next step ?
A vote here on this list ?

I think, we also need to run a vote on the MyFaces PMC, to accept
Trinidad as one of their subprojects. I'll do that vote as well, when
time comes ;-)



On 2/10/07, Martin van den Bemt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In short : according to me they are.. Any feedback and additions 
appreciated.. On note : I like to
> see that at least the plugins get a release before we start a vote on dev 
(and I expressed below
> that you are targetting to have a release of core before leaving the 
incubator,  although that could
> be a misunderstanding)
> If everyone agrees on dev, we start a vote on the incubator general list and 
after that on the
> MyFaces private list. Exit strategy probably needs to be discussed with the 
MyFaces crowd (like
> mailinglists) and they probably need to have votes on people on the trinidad 
ppmc list that are not
> yet on the MyFaces PMC (but that's up to the MyFaces PMC). I'll subscribe to 
the private myfaces
> list (in case you didn't know : I can as a member, which doesn't actually 
mean that I am on that PMC
> or have a binding vote there).
> The very long version :
> To determine if Trinidad is ready to leave the incubator I took
 and tried to
> answer all the questions. The first 3 on that page are actually the last 
ones, since I am treating
> them more as general conclusions.
> Legal
> * All code ASL'ed
> Looking at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ADFFACES-355 it is solved. 
Most important is that
> before the release everything is ok, so that check needs to be done before a 
release (eg by using
> RAT, mojo.codehaus.org is working on a maven2 plugin atm).
> * No non ASL or ASL compatbile dependencies in the code base
> Don't see any problems here (just checked the deps in the poms).
> * License grant complete
> Yep
> * CLAs on file.
> Yep. Even people who submitted patches were asked to file a CLA.
> * Check of project name for trademark issues
> Was tried, but since no one as access to the trademark database, it has hard 
to determine.
> Meritocracy / Community
> * Demonstrate an active and diverse development community
> The community is very active, people send in patches that get applied, user 
community is a bit
> behind, but that should grow ones Trinidad is released.
> * The project is not highly dependent on any single contributor (there's at 
least 3 legally
> independent committers and there is no single company or entity that is vital 
to the success of the
> project)
> The main contributors are all employed by Oracle (based on the *commits* 
since end of December).
> These are matzew, jwaldman and awiner.
> gcrawford   - Oracle
> jfallows    - Not oracle anymore
> mmarinschek - Irian (?)
> slessard    - DMR Consulting Inc (?)
> baranda     - ?
> Mentors / champions
> craigmcc    - Sun
> mvdb        - Ordina (I don't count myself as a committer though)
> mgeiler     - ? (not oracle afaik)
> Looking at the above list, it could mean a worry, which will be a lot less 
worry looking at the rest
> of the exit list.
> * The above implies that new committers are admitted according to ASF 
> Absolutely. There were 3 committers added during incubation, one not Oracle 
and 2 Oracle people.
> From my perspective all 3 deserved to be committer (with that amount of 
activity, people should be
> voted in as a committer to be honest), so no favours were made just because 
someone is from Oracle.
> Currently some other people are on the radar to become committer (non Oracle).
> * ASF style voting has been adopted and is standard practice
> In every way.
> * Demonstrate ability to tolerate and resolve conflict within the community.
> Haven't noted much conflicts to be honest, but I am happy with the oversight 
that is done and how
> commits that get feedback get resolved quickly. I use the word feedback, 
since I haven't noticed any
> strong -1 on a commit, since there is respect for each others knowledge, 
ego's don't tend to play
> up, which is a good thing.
> * Release plans are developed and excuted in public by the community.
> This is done and currently the project is making it easier to do release (cut 
down the manual work
> of the release). The project has some problems getting a release out the 
door, which is partially
> solved by adding another mentor, so the project actually can get 3 binding 
votes on a release. The
> goal is to release the plugins and the core before leaving incubation. 
Currently there is
> http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/TrinidadReleaseProcedure on the wiki, which 
after the releases are
> done can be formalised as a permanent part of the website.
> * Engagement by the incubated community with the other ASF communities, 
particularly infrastructure@
> (this reflects my personal bias that projects should pay an nfrastructure 
> This is the case, since there is my synergy with the MyFaces community and 
most people from Trinidad
> are also actively involved there. So infrastructure is less of a problem, 
since that is handled (in
> the future) by the MyFaces PMC.
> * Incubator PMC has voted for graduation
> * Destination PMC, or ASF Board for a TLP, has voted for final acceptance
> The goal of this mail to get those votes :)
> Alignment / Synergy
> * Use of other ASF subprojects
> Not specifically, since the goals is to be JSR compliant.
> * Develop synergistic relationship with other ASF subprojects
> MyFaces is the sponsoring PMC.
> Infrastructure
> * SVN module has been created
> Yep, but it will move to MyFaces.
> * Mailing list(s) have been created
> * Mailing lists are being archived
> Do we keep the trinidad lists ?
> * Issue tracker has been created
> * Project website has been created
> Yep.
> * Project ready to comply with ASF mirroring guidlines
> The maven plugins don't need a seperate download and are therefor mirrored to 
the maven
> repositories. The Trinidad core still needs a release and will setup a 
download page according to
> the mirroring guidelines.
> * Project is integrated with GUMP if appropriate
> It is appropiate, but no gump integration afaik (since I am on the Gump PMC, 
I like to see this
> happening).
> * Releases are PGP signed by a member of the community
> Yep. Key signing is part of the standard release process.
> * Developers tied into ASF PGP web of trust
> Don't have a clue. Everyone coming to Apachecon however can join the Key 
Signing session to be
> trusted even more :).
> Conclusions :
> * it is a worthy and healthy project
> It is definitely a worthy and healthy project. Even though there can be 
concerns about the number of
> Oracle people involved, I think they have proven that they treat this project 
as an Apache project
> and not as an Oracle project. I think a complement is even in order, since it 
could be very tempting
> to do it the wrong way.
> * it truly fits within the ASF framework
> +1
> * it "gets" the Apache Way.
> It definitely gets the Apache Way. They are open for feedback, act promptly 
when something slipped
> through the cracks and they really *want* to do the right thing. I even never 
heard a complaint on
> having to do things the Apache way.
> Mvgr,
> Martin

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
blog: http://jroller.com/page/mwessendorf
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
blog: http://jroller.com/page/mwessendorf
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

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