A couple comments.  Some xml doesn't merge any better than binary.  In some parts of xml files, order doesn't matter, so between one save and the next, a diff of a small change may show the whole file different (I've had this problem commiting xml project files).  So we may have to be careful with that when we do the editors.  Also, why not just have the engine accept ASCII data also.  Why go through the hassle of 2 formats.  The only benefit I can see is if we are trying to prevent people poking through the data and seeing plot/quest stuff.  But that doesn't seem like a big deal to me (especially if it is available by anonymous CVS).

Finally the BIG_ENDIAN change doesn't seem to work on my system.  I've tracked it down and BIG_ENDIAN is defined in /usr/include/endian.h.  So the #ifdef reports true on my computer (even though it is little endian)  I 'fixed' it on my machine by changing BIG_ENDIAN to __BIG_ENDIAN__ in 'configure.in' 'gfx/surface.cc' and 'base/endian.h'.  I haven't commited that because it seems like a hack, so I'm just reporting my results.


On 4/9/06, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In contrast to v0.3, where kept all the gamedata private until the
release, I'd like to create a public gamedata repository right from
the beginning. Also in contrast to v0.3, this repository should not
only contain the finished data, but also the "source" and
documentation for this data.

Sources would include stuff like the dialogue source files, quest,
character and map data (in case the editors use a format different
from the game), plot graphs, etc. ...

Mainly, there are two reasons for doing this:
* If we want to work together on creating all that stuff, we'll need
a place to
   share it. Like a CVS repository.
* Sources for v0.3 data are no longer around (except perhaps on some
old backup
   CDs). This shouldn't happen with v0.4!

Keeping them in CVS would require that the files created by our
editors are plain text (or xml) files. Using binary data would make
collaborative work nearly impossible, as different changes couldn't
be merged into the same file. So I think it is important that the
editors read and write ASCII files, that can be converted into a
format understandable by the engine.



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