Here's a new attempt at the file.

Also, I can't remember if we're shooting for a gamepad control scheme that's
useable on  'legacy' pads or not. Should I be thinking about directional
controls, plus A, B, Y, Z, select and start, or an XBox/PS2 controller?

On 7/18/07, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/18/07, Andrew Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Behold, a draft PLAYING file! (see attached)
> Great :-). I only have one important correction:
> Gamepad controls are not enabled by default. They can be configured
> though.
> It's part of the code that needs to be improved. Only I haven't even
> got around to add the appropriate task to the road map. The background
> is that one could assign multiple keys/buttons to the same action. But
> when I implemented configurable input, I didn't really realize this,
> so the configuration allows only one key/button per action.
> We could however provide a piece of example configuration that should
> work with gamepads.
> Kai

Adonthell - Dun Barethsol v0.40 aka Worldtest


Worldtest is a very, very simple test of the Adonthell engine's graphics, map, 
and input systems. It is designed to be useable with either a gamepad or the 
keyboard. The demo does not take mouse input. Please note that while the demo 
has been designed for gamepad input, this has not yet been implemented. See 
below for details.


Character Movement:

Game Controller Input:
Left    - Go West
Right   - Go East
Up      - Go North
Down    - Go South
A       - Toggle Walk/Run
B       - Jump

Keyboard Input: 
CapsLock- Toggle Always Run
Left    - Go West
Right   - Go East
Up      - Go North
Down    - Go South
Shift   - Toggle Walk/Run
Space   - Jump          

Display Options:

Keyboard Input:
G       - Toggle Map Grid
B       - Toggle Object Borders
O       - Display Number of Objects on each square
S       - Take a screenshot

Other Options:
Escape  - Exit the Demo
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