Haven't done much coding, but at least some analysis of the three open items:

* Drawing of shadow and jumping are somewhat related. The first thing
to figure out would be when a character is resting on the ground or
not. Basically, if the z-velocity at the end of a cycle isn't 0, we
know the character is off the ground. The ground position is then
determined by the highest tile still lower than the current character
position. Once we know the ground, we can draw the shadow. At least
for now. Later we might want to improve the code to better fit when
the ground is sloped ...

* Jumping is partly implemented in world/character. A vertical
velocity value that survives individual cycles is kept there. The
question is whether we want to keep it kind of separate from gravity
or implement a cumulative gravity system, where vertical velocity
builds up each cycle (unless the character is resting on the ground
--> see above). In latter case we could possibly do with a smaller
gravity value, thus improving the auto-climbing of stairs and such.

* Remains the rendering. It does not yet take shape-offsets into
account, so the order defined by square_info::operator< isn't right.
Chances are also that calculating the base tile is affected by this as
well. It's the area I've looked at the least, so it's too early to say
something definite yet.


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