Something I wanted to do for a long time, but which had somehow
escaped my attention until today: get the engine ready to support this
kind of grass:

Now that James has checked in the source gfx, I've started extracting
the individual layers. Since I was too lazy to create a sprite for
each, I've instead updated the sprite class to load a PNG file
directly and turn it into a one animation/one frame sprite*. That part
is already committed and will probably save some work as a lot of our
sprites will actually consist of a single image only.

I now have to assemble a map object that encloses the individual
sprites (9 in total). What's missing yet is a non-solid flag to omit
the grass blades from collision detection. Adding that shouldn't be
too much trouble either, probably less than actually assembling the
map object without help of an editor.

I'll let you know when I have stuff ready.


(*) Not to give anybody any funny ideas, but yeah, the grass could be
animated too, and be swaying in the wind :-).

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