On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Each node of the graph contains an objects position and the bbox of
> its shape. This is all the data required by the is_object_below()
> method, so the next step will be to write test cases for the offending
> nodes and debug into the code to see what goes wrong. I'll see how far
> I can get with that tonight.

I've made some progress and fixed two potential deadlocks. Rendering
looks good, except for the corners in the back. Guess I'll have to
split them into two wall segments, just like the corners in front.

There's also one deadlock remaining, when going down the stairs. That
one will be a bit tricky to resolve, as the test case for it conflicts
with an earlier test case. So with the current code, I can not satisfy
both test cases. Need to think about it a bit.

Also have to say that I do like the test stuff. Helped a lot in
getting as far as I did. Guess that's an area to invest some more
time, as it might save more time later.


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