On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Rian Shelley <ri...@cc.usu.edu> wrote:

>> I think I'm about ready to take a poke at this one, so if you have any
>> more information or pointers to code, I'd appreciate it.
> I believe that most of the code he is referring to is stuff that i
> wrote. I haven't had time to look at it lately, but i can probably
> answer any questions you have about it.

Oh great :-). Then you have the expert for the existing gui code base
right here.

Nevertheless, there are a few resources that might be of interest.
There is a bit of documentation of the current implementation:
http://adonthell.berlios.de/doc/index.php/Widget_Set . I think it's a
pretty accurate picture of what is there right now (and what is still
missing, besides borders and scrolling).

You can find the old border implementation here:
, but from looking at it briefly, there is probably not that much that
could be reused.

I would assume the most logical place to integrate the border is the
layout class. I've seen it already has the ability to show a border,
but not a graphical one. layout.cc, line 192:

  if (hasborder)
     border(x,y,w,h, s);

So that would be the place to plug in the border class. Not sure if
you'll have to account for the border width somewhere. I'd say, if
somebody creates a layout with a border, he can make sure to arrange
the child widgets in a way that doesn't interfere with the border. But
it might get more tricky once scrolling is thrown into the mix, so
you'll have to see what's best.

Then there's also the background. Right now widgets have a background,
but layout doesn't. Might make sense to move that into base, so that
both widgets and layouts could have backgrounds (and a tiled
background at that, if the image size is smaller than the
widget/layout size).

Hope that gets you started. Have a look at the stuff and then Rian and
I can help out with specific questions.


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