On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 8:05 AM, Josh Glover <jmg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It'd be pretty great to be able to play Adonthell on an Android phone,
> but I guess that'd require a Java rewrite as well. ;)

Not necessarily. There seems to be a way to run apps written in C as
well. There are two different ports of SDL available (more or less
functional) and some ongoing discussions about the topic on the SDL
mailing list. The major problem seems to be that neither of the ports
is very generic and it seems to me that one has to do at least some
initialization from Java before running the actual C code. (I didn't
really read all of it, much less looked at the code, but that's what
it sounded like). A second issue is performance. You definitely want
to use OpenGL instead of the software rendering. Which brings us back
to properly implementing the SDL 1.3 backend.

That's not a very high priority right now, however. But maybe after an
inital v0.4 release, there'll be interest in doing that. And maybe
there's an official SDL 1.3 release available by then, too.


P.S.: As much as I like Java (worked in a Java shop for 5 years, after
all!), I'd rather not rewrite the thing again ;-). I did most of my
recent coding using Ecliplse CDT, however. Had to restrain myself from
refactoring the whole codebase ;-).

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