On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dlgedit is a different beast, however. That one does a lot of custom
> drawing which will have to be replaced with cairo. It also uses much
> more deprecated stuff than the other tools. So there's still lots of
> work to do, which I don't want to invest right now.

Finally went ahead and gave dlgedit the long needed facelift. So as of
now, there should be only a few minor tweaks outstanding to make the
editors ready for GTK + 3.

However, as I have not yet verified how portable the new version is,
I'll leave things as they are for now. Supporting both GTK+ 2 and 3 at
the same time is not worth the trouble either.

I'll probably wait for an "official" release of the editors based on
GTK+ 2, then switch to 3 afterwards.

Now, back to work on Waste's Edge ...


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