select status,count(*) as "Library Counts" from libvolumes group by status

On Wednesday, August 09, 2000 12:16 PM, Daniel Swan/TM
> Today I've been learning SQL to help gather info about my ADSM setup, and
> I'm absolutely ecstatic it's power and flexibility.
> A week ago, a 'SQL for ADSM' cheat sheet would have been indispensible to
> me, but I didn't know of one.  Does such a thing
> exist?  If it doesn't, I think I'll write one up and post it to the list,
> for the sake of other ADSM newbie admins. ("help select" was somewhat
> useful, but doesn't really make the grade).
> While we are on the topic, does anyone have any favorite SQL statements
> they'd like to share?

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