This thread reminds me of a question I've been meaning to ask. I have
several SQL queries that run as cron jobs to keep me current on system
status. About two months ago the server started crashing every Sunday at the
same exact time. The problem was traced to an automated query that runs
every day, which has been running for almost two years. Once I modified the
statement, the crashes stopped. Support said that it was because of the
"group by" portion of the query, and that this is a know issue. My questions

1. Why would this start happening when I have been using this script every
day for over a year? (There have been no upgrades or changes - still using and same hardware.)

2. Since running the scripts manually has never caused a crash, could it
have something to do with running as a cron job?

3. Has anyone else seen or heard of this type of behavior?

4. Would upgrading help? (We have already purchased and received 3.7, but
were waiting till we get 4.1 to actually upgrade)

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Roger C Cook
RCG Information Services

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