Hi Andy, Patrick and Mark,

I was having the same problem until I reviewed the log file put in C:\Temp
(If you have these system variables set) by windows installer. Several
Windows NT dlls need to be updated that are open.  Tivoli's setup ignores
this and tries to continue the installation.

Solution is to extract (WinZip works) IP22088_BA_Client.exe to your desired
directory (This can all be deleted later). Run the Windows Installer
(instmsiw.exe) program separately, it will complain that access was denied
to several dlls. Click on ignore and at the end of the installation you will
be asked to reboot. After the reboot return to the directory that you
extracted the files to and run setup.exe.

Bruce E. Lowrie
Network Analyst
Global Information Technology Services
Storage, Output, Legacy
*Voice: > ?> (517) 496-6404

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: Problems installing client 4.1.1 on NT4

Hi Patrick and Mark,

Which NT product are you installing to (workstation, server, advanced
server, terminal server, etc.), and what service pack level is NT at?

We have another customer experiencing a similar problem, but I don't know
what the problem is. If anyone has seen this and resolved it, I'd love to
hear about it. Otherwise, I would ask that you do the following:

1) Confirm that you are (a) logged on to the local machine console (not
   via terminal server, (b) logged on as a *local* admin, not a domain
   admin, and (c) all other applications and services not essential to
   running the OS (including antivirus programs, database apps, etc.)
   are stopped.

2) Assuming that the stuff in item #1 is in order, please run the TSM
   setup program as follows:


   This will gather detailed setup info into a file called SETUP.LOG.

3) Zip up the SETUP.LOG file, open a problem ticket with IBM/Tivoli
   support, and send in the file. You can also send it directly to me,
   but if I can't tell right away what the problem is, I'd rather work
   with you through our support channels.

Best regards,


Andy Raibeck
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
"The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked."

Did you install the 4.1.0 version first? I think I remember seeing this same
problem.. but I forget how I got it to work...


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Boutilier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 2:12 PM
Subject: Problems installing client 4.1.1 on NT4

Has anybody successfully installed the 4.1.1 client on NT4? On two boxes
that I
have tried the box reboots to update "Windows Installer" and then the setup
fails after that. Even running setup directly from the uncompressed archive
fails. The exact error message is:

The wizard was interrupted before Tivoli Storage Manager Client could be
completely installed.
Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time,
please run setup again.

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