This appears to be an old subject, but it is new to me.

We have an IBM Netfinity 7000, with 3 Adaptec 2944UW SCSI adapters, running
Tivoli Storage Manager 3.7.2 for NT, attached to an ATL P3000 robotic
library, with six DLT7000 drives. We converted from Arcserve in June, 2000.
Over the course of the last 2 months, or so, we have had at least 40 tapes
come up with damage. I/O errors, read errors, write errors, READONLY and
UNAVAILABLE access, etc. We have used brand new tapes, relatively new
tapes, and some quite old tapes in this machine. Some of the tapes were
previously used as Arcserve (both Novell and NT) tapes in both DLT4000 and
DLT7000 drives.

I have had to perform numerous RESTORE VOLUME processes, to restore the
data, some of which have required me to load as many as 35 OFFSITE tapes
for one restore. The process is consuming LARGE amounts of my time, not to
mention the wear and tear on the robot. We bought the P3000 specifically
because we already had a large investment in DLT media, but it appears that
this may have been a fatal decision. In some cases, the RESTORE VOLUME has
failed because the OFFSITE tapes are also damaged. This is continuing
through today. I have to load 32 tapes to restore a tape that came up
damaged yesterday.

ATL has upgraded the microcode on the drive twice in the last 2-3 weeks,
first to rev. 97, then to rev. 101. We have also had a number of the drives
replaced since we first went online in June. It has been suggested that the
"speed" settings on the 2944UW's may be too high. They are default, 40. Are
there any special settings that this setup may need, whether it is SCSI,
TSM server, or whatever? This is really beginning to drive me crazy! Tivoli
support has been helpful, but they have offered no information that might
resolve this. ATL has been willing to swap parts and upgrade firmware, but
they have been in denial of any responsibility for the problem. I want a

Dennnis Berestecki

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