We do weekly mksysb's; we use Tivoli Maestro (which would be a
FANTASTIC product if we could get a few changes made - it's still the
best on the market) and have mksysb jobs defined for all the cpus.
Once a week, our operators grab a stack of 4mm's, walk down server row
popping tapes in, then go back to the office and submit a mksysb to
each cpu.  An hour later, they go collect the tapes and rackem.  The
previous week's gets sent offsite.  I think they keep about 2 months
offsite, then bring them back for reuse.

If we restore, we boot off of tape if it will let us (some servers
won't seem to do it) or CD, restore from the mksysb, and boot the
system.  Then we can go in and if we're fussy and a week isn't recent
enough, we pick and choose things like security files to restore.  The
only two times we've actually NEEDED to do a recovery (other than 2
system migrations to larger hard disks), one was caused by having some
noncritical deleted files (an admin screwup) from rootvg, and the admin
tried to correct it by doing a full adsm restore of rootvg.  Dead box.
The other one was a hard disk failure when we were still cheap bastards
and wouldn't buy mirrored disk.  We mirror everything now except
dumplv's; our databases are striped/mirrored (thanks to AIX 4.3.3).
I'm a giant AIX booster, I love the OS.  And the hardware.

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: need generic inclexcl.txt for AIX

Hi Kevin,

Do you run  mksysb regularly (eg weekly).?
So, after restore from mksysb, you do not restore "/ /usr /var" system
filesystem from adsm?

Having no testing environment, I never have a chance to perform system
recovery testing. Thanks.

Eric Tang

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