Specifically, what are some of the problems with 3.7 besides those just
mentioned?  We've decided against going to 4.1 because its so new, but
hearing this.......

-----Original Message-----
From: Gill, Geoffrey L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: Upgrading from ADSM to TSM 3.7.x

> John - If I were you I would avoid TSM 3.7, given its defect
> rate, and go for version 4 instead, where we hope things will improve.
> Recall the recent postings of a 3.7 customer who found that
> Import does not work in 3.7.
>   Richard Sims, BU


I've also received the 3.7 version recently but have not upgraded yet. At
this point it's getting late in the year to not upgrade seeing Tivoli will
not support 3.1 next year. I don't know how lucky I'll be at getting version
4 for the same price I got the 3.7 (free...it's legal), it's an interesting

Maybe someone at Tivoli can answer the question better, but are we really
looking at that many problems with 3.7 that are fixed in 4, that are not
going to be fixed in 3.7? My ADSM on AIX 4.3.3, with it's 3494
library seems to be pretty stable for me, I'd hate to screw things up now
but I've got to do something soon.


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