Hello ,
i am running TSM 4.1.2 on W2K SP1 and client 4.1.2 - one of W2K servers is
used for storing user profiles -
I am getting hundreds of errors ANE4005E about link stored in recent folder
of users' user profiles , I am
quite sure that this files didn't disappear during backup ( archive of this
server ends without ANE4005 error
in recent folder - only ANE4005 touches link to floppy ). How TSM client
works with Lnk and url files
in recent folder ?

In the same time 4.1.2 produces very strange summary at the end of
backup/archive operation :

01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4952I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects inspected:  266 514 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4953I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects archived:   266 333 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4958I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects updated:          0 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4960I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects rebound:          0 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4957I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects deleted:          0 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4970I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects expired:          0 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4959I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects failed:         181 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4961I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
bytes transferred:    35,99 GB "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4963I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Data transfer
time:                4 731,06 sec "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4966I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Network data
transfer rate:        7 977,50 KB/sec "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4967I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Aggregate data
transfer rate:      3 933,37 KB/sec "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4968I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Objects compressed
by:                   30% "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4964I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Elapsed processing
time:            00:01:55 "

I really can not find ANE4964I in 4.1 messages but i think that 00:01:55
means 1 minut and 55 second.
Did somebody see similar ANE4964I problem ?


Petr Prerost

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