Hello Petr,

With the TSM client, the "Elapsed processing time" is not
correct (too short).  APAR IC29212 has been opened for this issue.
This should be fixed in the next client level.


Vo An Nguyen

Petr Přerost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 01/09/2001 10:59:55

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  W2K problems - client 4.1.2

Hello ,
i am running TSM 4.1.2 on W2K SP1 and client 4.1.2 - one of W2K servers is
used for storing user profiles -
I am getting hundreds of errors ANE4005E about link stored in recent folder
of users' user profiles , I am
quite sure that this files didn't disappear during backup ( archive of this
server ends without ANE4005 error
in recent folder - only ANE4005 touches link to floppy ). How TSM client
works with Lnk and url files
in recent folder ?

In the same time 4.1.2 produces very strange summary at the end of
backup/archive operation :

01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4952I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects inspected:  266 514 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4953I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects archived:   266 333 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4958I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects updated:          0 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4960I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects rebound:          0 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4957I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects deleted:          0 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4970I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects expired:          0 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4959I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
objects failed:         181 "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4961I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Total number of
bytes transferred:    35,99 GB "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4963I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Data transfer
time:                4 731,06 sec "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4966I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Network data
transfer rate:        7 977,50 KB/sec "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4967I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Aggregate data
transfer rate:      3 933,37 KB/sec "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4968I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Objects
by:                   30% "
01/07/2001 20:39:58,"ANE4964I (Session: 3997, Node: XXX)  Elapsed
time:            00:01:55 "

I really can not find ANE4964I in 4.1 messages but i think that 00:01:55
means 1 minut and 55 second.
Did somebody see similar ANE4964I problem ?


Petr Prerost

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