Just a guess: I have seen situations, where a volume (disk or tape)
was empty according to MOVE DATA, and not empty according to DELETE VOLUME.
An AUDIT VOLUME helped in that situation and takes much less time than a
complete AUDITDB.

> >Ok, our problem is back!  Now, it does bring the pool to 0%.
> >
> >Ken and John, can you verify if we are having the same problem?
> >
> >At the point when migration is not moving any data, does your CPU
> >Utilization go up to 100% and stay there until you raise the Migration
> >values?
> I have this problem now, it's a holdover from my ADSM The upgrade
> didn't make that go away.  The pool is actually empty, I wonder what is
> causing it to think something is there. I have not paid attention to the CPU
> usage when this is going on, however I have done other things with the
> server during the migration and it seems to answer up normally.
> In the past I also had to auditdb to fix the problem. Unfortunately the last
> time that took forever so I can't afford to run it at the moment. I just let
> it go, when migrate off runs it quits.
> Geoff Gill
> NT Systems Support Engineer
> Computer Systems Group
> Phone:  (858) 826-4062
> Pager:   (888) 997-9614
Reinhard Mersch                        Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet
Zentrum fuer Informationsverarbeitung - ehemals Universitaetsrechenzentrum
Roentgenstrasse 9-13, D-48149 Muenster, Germany      Tel: +49(251)83-31583
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Fax: +49(251)83-31653

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