Following is a log (slightly altered in size and names)for SAP backup. AIX
4.3.3 on the SAP system and the TSM 4.1.2 server. ESS SAN attached disks,
3590-E SAN attached (2) tape drives. All backups over Gbit Ethernet today
with ~20MB/s and session.

-Multiplexing is still using 4 disks to read from (kept from our SSA days).
Multiplexing has got nothing to do with tape drive allocations on the TSM
server and you might need it to get enough disk to read from so that each
session can fully use the tape drives speed .
-2 parallel sessions thus 2 drives allocated for the backup (redologs goes
to disk)
-No client compression for SAP backups! Never ever unless you have a very
good reason (CPU heavy).
-RL compression gives me 1.32, this can differ a lot depending on the DB, in
production we usually see below 2, mostly between 1.2-1.5. RL-compression is
CPU light.

BR061I 383 files found for backup, total size 523133.822 MB.

                       Tivoli Data Protection for SAP R/3

          Interface between SAPDBA Utilities and Tivoli Storage Manager
                 - Version 2, Release 7, Level 25.1 for AIX LF -
        (c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1996, 1999, All Rights Reserved.

                           Program Number : 5799-QZG

  -- Parameters --
Input File         : /oracle/SIDX/sapbackup/.bdexttba.lst
Output File        : stdout
Profile            : /oracle/SIDX/dbs/initSIDX.utl
Configfile         : /oracle/SIDX/dbs/initSIDX.bki
Manual sorting file: disabled
Tracefile          : none
Traceflags         : disabled
Parallel sessions  : 2
Multiplexed files  : 4
RL compression     : enabled
TCPWait            : 3 sec.
Retries to  ADSM   : 3
Retries for files  : 3
Exit on error      : disabled
BATCH              : enabled
Redologcopies      : N/A
Versioning         : enabled
 Current Version   : 623
 Versions to keep  : 7
 Delete Versions   : <= 616
Backup Type        : file
SNMPTRAP           : disabled
Performance Monitor: disabled
ADSM log server    : host 'XYZ', level 'WARNING'
ADSM server        : XYZ with 2 sessions configured, using 2 sessions
 TSM client node  : SIDX
 Server-Version    :
 Server Host IP    : X.Y.Z.U
 Server Host name  : HOST
 Server Type       : AIX-RS/6000
 Sign-in id name   : SIDX
 Compression       : client determined
 Archive deletion  : allowed
 Days for backups  : Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
 Backup mgmt class : SAP_ON_OFF
 Archiv mgmt class : SAP_LOG_1 SAP_LOG_2

BKI0005I: Start of backint program at: Wed Mar 21 00:16:54 2001.
BKI0013I: 383 Objects to backup.
BKI0008I: Number of bytes to save: '510.873 GB'.
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Wed Mar 21 02:55:03 2001.
BKI0022I: Average transmission rate was 196.532 GB/h (55.902 MB/sec).
BKI2019I: Compression ratio for backup was 1.32.
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 02 h 38 min 09 sec.

Jan Norback

Atos Origin-IT (MS/DS/OSS Unix)
VA-173, PO-box 218, 5600 MD Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Groenewoudseweg 1 5621 BA Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)40-2780289
Mobile: +31 (0)6-25233507
Fax     : +31 40 2783962

-----Original Message-----
From: Cook, Dwight E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: SAP and 3494 performance.

Our client is a Sun E10K with ?24 processors? maybe more if that is
possible... it has a bunch
And we have other AIX & SUN...

Tsm server is an S70 and runs less than 30% cpu util during the backups...

Here is the poop on multiplexing...(check in your TDP for SAPR3 manual)
mainly if you are going straight to tape 'cause each session will require a
tape drive.
By going to a diskpool, you aren't limited by the number of tape drives you
BUT remember there will only be a single migration process for a single
client's data within a diskpool no matter what your migration process limit
is or how many tape drives you have... and a single migration going to
3590B1A (what I see) averages out to be just over 20 GB/hr... so I can load
up my diskpool with 600 GB at 41 GB/hr  but can only empty it at 20 GB/hr
I'm looking into having the client use two management classes, direct it to
two different diskpools (say 10 processes dumping into each diskpool) then
their total rate into the tsm server will be 41 GB/hr, the limit of the fast
ethernet card, AND I'll be able to bleed the data off to tape at 40 GB/hr (a
migration process for each diskpool with each migration process moving 20
GB/hr)  Now maybe if I'd upgrade the B1A's to E1A's I could get about 35
GB/hr average on the migration but I don't know...
Anyway, also if one of your multiplexed files goes bad then you have
multiple .dbf files bad and makes a recovery a little harder...  just the
way we do it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard L. Rhodes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 7:23 AM
To: Cook, Dwight E; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: SAP and 3494 performance.

Thanks for great info!

q)  What kind of a client system are you using?
        - machine type
        - # of processors

q)  When you say "> don't multiplex with tdp" I'm not sure what you
        - Are you using TDP for SAP?
        - Why Not?



On 20 Mar 2001, at 10:59, Cook, Dwight E wrote:

> alter to go to diskpool first
> use tsm client compression
> don't multiplex with tdp
> run about 10-20 concurrent client sessions (based on processor ability)
> you should see about 4/1 compression
> you should see about 11.6 MB/sec data transfer (if things are really OK &
> processor can keep up)
> you should see your db backup in just over 2 hours...
> we have a 2.4 TB data base, use the above methods and push 600 GB (the
> compressed size) in 16 hours...
> we also have smaller ones we see the same rates with... such as a 200 GB
> that compresses down to about 60 GB and runs in  under 2 hours
> hope this helps...
> Dwight
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Francisco Molero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 9:35 AM
> Subject: SAP and 3494 performance.
> Hello,
> I have a query about performance between a TDP for SAP
> R/3 under HP-UX and TSM Server with a 3494 library.
> The size of database is 350 GB and the connection is
> via tcpip (ethernet 100). I used the brbackup -c -t
> offline command and the bacukp is sent to tape pool in
> the library 3494. I have a private network and also I
> am using the compression parameter to yes in the
> client in order to improve the performance in the
> network. The backup takes 6 hours in backing up the db
> and this time is very high. I need to reduce it. the
> drives are 3590, and the format device class is DRIVE.
> Can someone help me about the parameters which can
> improve this performance ???
> Regards,
> Fran
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