Date:           March 21, 2001                  Time: 8:23 AM
From:   Jerry Lawson
                The Hartford Insurance Group
860     547-2960                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I know I have seen this question on the list a long time ago, but I can't
remember any specifics on potential solutions.  Perhaps someone who has lost
fewer brain cells than I have can be of help....

I have a customer who has a large number of small files on a server, and is
seeing long processing times.  He is running the SIEBEL Help desk
applications, and ultimately will have 1.5 million files on the server.  The
test he ran included about 600K files, totaling 5GB of space.  Obviously,
the individual files are not very big (he says 12K is typical.  They are
already compressed, so we have compression turned off for this client.

The backup was initiated from a command line, and took something like 8
hours to complete.  In the past he has been getting something like
2.5GB/hour throughput, so there is most likely not a network problem here.
Unfortunately, he did not pipe the output to a file, so I have no log of
what he did.  I am speculating that he spent most of the time processing the
directory entries.  (I am led to believe that the files are in a relatively
small number of sub-directory entries.)

The customer box is NT4, our server is OS/390.  Both the client and the
server are running TSM 3.7

Has anyone had similar experiences, or suggestions about how to speed up


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over....and expecting the results
to be different - Anon.

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