>Thanks Dwight, but we use Escon Hitachi discs.
>I am in real trouble, Restore gives
>ANR0101E ICVOLHST(2394): Error 11 opening table "Seq.Volume.History".
>ANR2032E RESTORE DB: Command failed - internal server error detected.
>and starting the server gives
>ANR0981E The ADSM server database must be restored before the server
>can be started.  !!!

Rene - Dwight's observation about your disk subsystem "losing data"
       sounds like it is the basis for your problem, regardless of
brand.  You indicated that you successfully performed a database
restoral, and yet the ANR0981E message says the the server is detecting
the database as incomplete - which is contradictory.  It's like you
in effect have "write-only" disk, where it happily takes data but is
not actually storing it or returning it in Read operations.

Get your operating system and hardware people involved, and have them
look for error log indications of problems.  They can use utilities
or diagnostics to verify the voracity of the disk subsystem.  Switch to
a different type of disk if possible, if nothing else turns up, and try
the restoral to that.

   Richard Sims, BU

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